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Joining the Oakmont Yacht Club


If you would like to apply for Social Membership to the Oakmont Yacht Club, you must:  

  1. Review the Oakmont Yacht Club House Rules. You must sign your name at the bottom of the house rules to acknowledge and accept the rules as a condition for membership. 

  2. Complete the Oakmont Yacht Club Membership Application Form to be considered for Social Membership. 
    You can then drop both off or mail it to Oakmont Yacht Club, 11 Washington Avenue, Oakmont, PA 15139.

    Note: You can also complete and email both documents (application and your acknowledgement and acceptance of the House Rules) to

  3. You will be contacted by Mike Sylvester, OYC Membership Chairman, to schedule an in-person interview and orientation/tour of the club.

  4. Upon payment of the initiation fee and prorated yearly dues, as well as the completion of your in-person interview, your completed application will be submitted to the next upcoming OYC Board meeting. Board meetings occur on the second Tuesday of every month. 

  5. Please note: You will need the signatures of two current, ACTIVE members (meaning not social members but ACTIVE members) of the OYC for consideration by the OYC Board for membership.


Note: Oakmont Yacht Club By-law Change


Social Members who want to become Active Members.

Article 1, Section 3, Paragraph a: A Social member, after one year, may make application for Active membership by petitioning 5 Active/Life members in good standing as sponsors. The applicant must also have served on a club committee prior to approval for Active membership.



Application Form and House Rules Acknowledgment Form


Download the Membership Form and House Rules, complete both, then submit them by email or bring the signed papers to the club. 


Membership Levels


SOCIAL Members
To become a Social Member, the person must be at least twenty-one (21) years of age. Social Members shall not have voting or credit privileges and may not hold office. You must be a Social Member for one (1) year before applying for Active Membership. They are encouraged to serve on committees. 


ACTIVE Members

To become an Active Member, the Social Member must be at least twenty-two (22) years of age, in good standing, for at least one (1) year. 


LIFE Members 
To become a Life Member you must have been a Social member any person with thirty (30) consecutive years as an Active Member and who makes application to, and is verified and approved by the Board of Governors may become a Life Member with all the privileges of Active Membership without the payment of annual dues




   Oakmont Yacht Club

   11 Washington Avenue,

   Oakmont, PA  15139









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© 2024 Oakmont Yacht Club


   Mon. - Tues.:  Closed  

   Wed. - Thurs.: 5 - 11 p.m. 
   Fri.: 5 p.m. - 2 a.m.
   Sat.: Noon - 2 a.m.
   Sun.: Noon - 9 p.m.

   Wed. - Thurs.:  5 - 9 p.m.
   Fri.: 5 - 10 p.m.
   Sat.: Noon - 10 p.m.
   Sun.: 1 - 9 p.m.  (Summer)

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